

2010年4月13日 星期二

偷竊癖-- 異常行為 案例+知識

癖 癖好 癖癮 有時候是自己無法控制的衝動,此時就需要心理治療了。

這裡是 偷竊癖 kleptomania 的案例。

上億身價貴婦週年慶行竊 身上單品超過行竊價值

更新日期:2008/10/12 12:42 社會中心/綜合報導







Kleptomania (impulsive stealing)

People with Kleptomania usually do not steal because they need the object stolen; they sometimes secretly replace the object after stealing it. They steal "for the thrill of stealing," and they don't want to get caught at it. To be diagnosed, a person must have the typical pattern: recurrent tension leading to the behavior, leading to relief or pleasure after performing the behavior. The stealing is not accounted for by an external motive like hunger or financial deprivation or vengeance, or accounted for better by another disorder of which stealing is a part (for example, Antisocial Personality Disorder or a manic episode). Kleptomania is rare overall, but more common in females than in males. It is obviously difficult to document the precise number of people with Kleptomania. People with Kleptomania often have another psychiatric disorder, often a mood disorder. Treatment is largely untested, and the disorder often persists despite many convictions of shoplifting. It may decrease as the individual ages, however.
