焦慮異常 DSM-IV
Phobic Disorders - individual shows fear of an object which is out of all proportion to the reality of the danger that object presents.
Agoraphobia - fear of the marketplace - believe that some disaster, most typically a panic attack, will befall them when they are away from the security of their home, and that no one will help them. These individuals are often highly anxious and experience generalized depression.
Social Phobias – Exaggerated fear of being seen or observed. Usually begin in adolesceent and only rarely in childhood.
Specific Phobias (ie: to aninals, spiders…etc..)
Post traumatic Stress Disorder -- the individual experiences anxiety, depression, numbing, and constant reliving of the trauma after experiencing some catastrophe beyond the normal range of human suffering. (ie. Rape Trauma Syndrome )
Panic Disorder - an individual is suddenly overwhelmed with brief attacks of anxiety, apprehension, and then terror.
Consists of recurrent panic attacks, at least four within a month.
Physically, experience shortness of breath, dizziness, trembling, chills, or chest pains.
Cognitively the person might think he is going to die, go crazy or lose control.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder - consists of chronic anxiety that can be more or less continually present for months on end.
Can last for months on end.
The person expects something awful, but doesn’t know what.
Physically – sweats, heart races, stomach upset, cold and clammy.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders - individual is plagued with uncontrollable, repulsive thoughts and engages in seemingly senseless rituals.
Obsessions about contamination is most common today.
Frequently appears with depression.
2-3% diagnosed.
Obsessive-compulsive personality - this individual is methodical. He is always on tie, meticulous in how he dresses, pays exasperatingly close attention to detail, and strongly dislikes dirt. Different from personality disorder is the personality views this behavior with pride, whereas the disordered person finds it abhorrent, unwanted, and tormenting.
2010年3月29日 星期一
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